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Autumn and Winter: Eight Muses in Pairs set in Octagons
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Caption | Designed for octagonal painting showing Autumn and Winter. From left to right, top to bottom: Autumn. Two women shown sitting, one raises drinking vessel. Winter: two women sit in room, one reads book while other holds torch. Melpomane with trumpet sits in front of Clio who holds mask. Talia and Euterpe sit beside each other. At left Talia holds mask while Euterpe holds flute. At bottom Erato and Calliope. At left Erato sits with lyre listening to Cupid who flies behind her. At right, sits Calliope with book. Pen sketch of octagon with two sitting women, one of whom holds open book. Urania and Polyhymnia. Two women sit beside each other, left one with sphere and compass. Made in: Italy. Date: 1820s. Record ID: chndm_1901-39-3203. |
Creator | Felice Giani, designer, Italian (1758–1823) |
Artwork medium | Pen and brown ink, brush and brown wash over traces of black chalk on cream laid paper |
Credit | Cooper Hewitt, Smithsonian Design Museum |
Terms of use | Public Domain Dedication (CC0 1.0) |
Search stock images by keyword | Winter Muses Pairs Octagons octagonal painting showing Autumn Felice Giani |
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YCH009225 | 7,602 x 4,831 pixels | 34 |
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