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A peep at Christies
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Caption | A peep at Christies; – or – Tally-ho, & his nimeney-pimmeney taking the morning lounge. Miss Farren and Lord Derby walk together inspecting pictures. She, very thin and tall, looks over his head through a glass at a picture in the second row of Zenocrates & Phryne. He looks at the picture immediately below, The Death, a huntsman holding up a fox to the hounds. Lord Derby, much caricatured, very short and obese, wears riding-dress with spurred boots and holds a whip. Miss Farren wears no hat, a dress hanging from the shoulders and trailing her, short sleeves and gloves. Both hold an open catalogue. Date 1796 Sept. 24th. |
Creator | James Gillray, 1756-1815 |
Artwork medium | aquatint |
Credit | Library of Congress |
Terms of use | Public Domain |
Search stock images by keyword | peep Christies cartoons British auctioneers paintings art auctions James Gillray |
Stock image ref | Size | Views |
YC99402493 | 2,622 x 3,691 pixels | 504 |
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