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Exit libertè a la Francois!

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Exit libertè a la Francois! or Buonaparte closing the farce of Egalité, at St Cloud near Paris Novr. 10th 1799. British satire shows Napoleon with his grenadiers driving the members of the Council of Five Hundred from the Orangery at St Cloud at bayonet point. A drum is labeled "Vive la Liberte," and papers under foot read "Resignation des Directoires" and "Un liste de Membres du Conseil des Cinque Cents." On November 10, 1799, in a move known as the Coup d'État of Eighteenth Brumaire, Napoleon seized control of the French government and installed himself as First Consul, thereafter governing as a dictator. James Gillray was the dominant caricaturist of his period, producing popular savage cartoons of the English court of George III and later of Napoleon and the French Revolution. Date 1799 Novr. 21st.

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