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Miss Hibernia at John Bulls family dinner!

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Miss Hibernia at John Bulls family dinner!!. Print shows Miss Hibernia seated at right wearing dress decorated with Irish harps; seated around the table are members of John Bull's family, identified as various taxes which are likely to be imposed on the Irish as a result of William Pitt's proposed Irish union. A grotesque figure seated center and labeled "Isacc Income!!" is taking more than his share "Pr. An." He is admonished by "Abraham Hat Stamp" who says, "Dont be so boiseterous, there is enough for us all" and by Polly Powder Tax, "Really Brother I am quite ashamed of you." John Bull, raising a knife, adds, "Cant you take what comes to your share like the rest of the Family, why you swallow more than all the rest put togeather. Miss Hibernia will be frightened at your prodigious stomach and break off the connection!!" Miss Hibernia states, "Really Mr Bull … I fear I must decline all thoughts of the intended Union – your family is so very large….". Date 1799 March 18.

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