The American Declaration of Independence illustrated
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Caption | The American Declaration of Independence illustrated. An idealistic call for emancipation of the slaves. Borne aloft by an eagle holding two American flags is an aerial carriage similar to the basket of a hot-air balloon with two occupants: a black man who is a freed slave, his broken shackles falling to the ground at left, and a white man who proclaims, "Break every Yoke; let the oppressed go free." The eagle, like his counterpart on the arms of the United States, has wings spread and holds olive branches in his left talon. Here he also holds oak branches in his right. Above his head is a burst of light with the verses: "My rays, where'er on earth they strike, / Fall on the black and white alike; / That government alone is free,/ Which blesses all alike like me. The flags have the mottoes "All Men Are Created Equal" and "Stand by the Declaration." Below the carriage is a large crowd of people of all ages. Prominent are a Union soldier, a newsboy hawking the Boston "Herald" (left), and a free black man. Longer verses appear to the left and right of the carriage, espousing on moral and historical grounds the emancipation of the slaves. One reads: A man is a man howe'er dark his skin, /A heart that is human is beating within, / God regards not his colour – and neither should we, / Then unchain' the Negro – and let him go free. Date c1861. |
Creator | L. Prang & Co. |
Artwork medium | lithograph printed in brown-olive |
Credit | Library of Congress |
Terms of use | Public Domain |
Search stock images by keyword | American Declaration of Independence cartoons American L Prang & Co |
Stock image ref | Size | Views |
YC2004665361 | 5,904 x 8,137 pixels | 510 |
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