Inauguration of Mr Lincoln, March 4, 1861
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Caption | Inauguration of Mr Lincoln, March 4, 1861. Photograph shows participants and crowd at the first inauguration of President Abraham Lincoln, at the US Capitol, Washington, DC Lincoln is standing under the wood canopy, at the front, midway between the left and center posts. His face is in shadow but the white shirt front is visible. (Source: Ostendorf, p 87) "A distant photograph from a special platform by an unknown photographer, in front of the Capitol, Washington, DC, afternoon of March 4, 1861. 'A small camera was directly in front of Mr Lincoln,' reported a newspaper, 'another at a distance of a hundred yards, and a third of huge dimensions on the right … The three photographers present had plenty of time to take pictures, yet only the distant views have survived." (Source: Ostendorf, p 86–87). Date 1861. |
Creator | unknown |
Artwork medium | photographic print, salted paper; 33 x 36 cm. |
Credit | Library of Congress |
Terms of use | Public Domain |
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YC00652332 | 3,840 x 3,792 pixels | 368 |
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