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Bank of England regenerated Britannia Dollar five shilling token

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Bank of England regenerated Britannia Dollar five shilling token, 1804. Maker: Matthew Boulton, Soho Mint. Maker: Soho Mint. Engraver: Conrad Heinrich Küchler. Obverse: GEORGIUS III DEI GRATIA REX. Laureate and draped bust of George III facing right with hair curling over both shoulders. Reverse: BANK OF ENGLAND 1804 Britannia seated facing left with spear in left hand and laurel spray in right hand; with oval shield, bearing the combined crosses of St George, St Patrick and St Andrew, heraldically coloured. Cornucopia beneath shield and kiln in background. All within oval band inscribed FIVE SHILLING DOLLAR with mural crown above. Edge: plain/n BANK OF ENGLAND.

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