Hercules and Iole
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Caption | Hercules and Iole, 1710-1725. Giovanni Battista Foggini. The subject tells a story of the ancient Greek hero Hercules (or Heracles). Hercules was sold to Omphale, Queen of Lydia. He became her lover and whilst in her service started to display feminine traits, wearing women's dress and spinning. The sculpture depicts Omphale with her arm around Hercules, she wears his lion skin. The arms of Hercules, and one of Omphale's arms are now missing so we can no longer be sure what they held in their hands. In the traditional depiction she is shown holding his club, whilst he holds a spindle. This subject appealed to Renaissance and Baroque artists as it could be used to explore the theme of woman's domination over man. |
Creator | see caption |
Artwork medium | not available |
Credit | Birmingham Museums Trust |
Terms of use | Public Domain Dedication (CC0 1.0) |
Search stock images by keyword | Hercules and Iole 1710-1725 Giovanni Battista Foggini subject tells story ancient Greek hero Hercules sold Omphale Queen of Lydia became lover whilst service started display feminine traits wearing women dress spinning sculpture arm wears lion skin arms one missing sure held hands traditional depiction club holds spindle appealed Renaissance and Baroque artists used explore theme woman domination man Greek Mythology Ceramics Terracotta |
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YBM0303963 | 2,652 x 3,999 pixels | 340 |
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