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Ann Street School Birmingham
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Caption | Ann Street School, Birmingham, 1855. By Alfred H Green. The Quaker run British Infant Schools Society opened Birmingham Infants Central School for 90 pupils at 48 Ann Street in 1826. The school closed in 1867 and the site is now occupied by Birmingham's Council House. The painting depicts the education of different groups of children of aged from 3-12. Close inspection shows that the apparent chaos of this school room in fact organised into 5-6 different age-groups each with one or two adults in charge. Classes are gathered in seated rows or standing groups around a monitor. A trio of smartly dressed onlookers, a woman and two children, are picked out by the main shaft of sunlight. |
Creator | see caption |
Artwork medium | not available |
Credit | Birmingham Museums Trust |
Terms of use | Public Domain Dedication (CC0 1.0) |
Search stock images by keyword | Ann Street School Birmingham 1855 Alfred H Green Quaker run British Infant Schools Society opened Birmingham Infants Central School 90 pupils 48 Ann Street 1826 school closed 1867 site occupied Birmingham Council House painting education groups children aged 3-12 Close inspection shows apparent chaos room fact organised 5-6 age-groups one two adults charge Classes gathered seated rows standing monitor trio smartly dressed onlookers woman picked main shaft sunlight 19th Century PCF Teacher Teaching Social Ann Street School Birmingham |
Stock image ref | Size | Views |
YBM0301718 | 3,999 x 2,923 pixels | 520 |
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