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Pair of Candlevases

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Pair of Candlevases, 1773. Ormolu with white marble and opaque white glass. Manufacturers: Matthew Boulton, John Fothergill. Glass maker: James Keir. During the second half of the eighteenth century ornamental vases were very popular, in some cases sets of up to seven vases were produced to be placed together on a chimneypiece. Boulton was one of the first manufacturers to seize on the commercial opportunities created by the craze for the 'antique taste', or neo-classicism as we now refer to it, which flourished in the 1760s. Objects like this one were known as candle vases as they could be used to hold a candle or as a vase. Ornamental wares of this and simpler kinds made up the bulk of Boulton's production.

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