Sports of a country fair. Part the third.
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Caption | Sports of a country fair. Part the third. The interior of another booth-theatre ; the play is interrupted ; the only performer on the stage is thrown into consternation, and the whole of the audience are dispersing in terror at an unexpected intruder. A royal Bengal tiger has made his escape from an adjoining show, and is bounding through the canvas walls of the theatrical booth, threatening to descend into the auditorium. The effect on the frightened playgoers may be well imagined. Artist: Rowlandson, Thomas, 1756-1827. Date: October 1810. Sourced from Digital Commonwealth website. |
Creator | see caption |
Artwork medium | 1 print: hand-colored etching; sheet 26 x 39 cm |
Credit | Boston Public Library |
Terms of use | No known copyright restrictions |
Search stock images by keyword | Sports fair third Rowlandson Thomas 1756-1827 Theaters Stages Platforms Theater audiences Tigers Fear Etchings Caricatures |
Stock image ref | Size | Views |
YB0104558 | 5,564 x 3,667 pixels | 338 |
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