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Map of the anthracite coalfields of Pennsylvania

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Map of the anthracite coalfields of Pennsylvania. The second half of the 19th century was the peak of anthracite coal mining in Pennsylvania. This 1886 map illustrates the geology of the region, and uses two modern techniques to visualize minerals below ground. A columnar vertical section, seen here along the left edge of the map, represents the makeup of the earth’s crust at a specific place, in this case, Pottsville, Pennsylvania. A transverse view, or, cross section, illustrated along the bottom of the map, shows rock formations between two geographic locations. These visual aids first appeared on maps in the early-19th century, when mapmakers attempted to illustrate Earth’s substructures. Cartographer/Publisher/Printer: Daddow, Samuel Harries; Bannan, Benjamin, 1807-1875; Boell, William. Date: 1866. Sourced from Digital Commonwealth website.

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