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L'Anniversaire. On the steps of Berlioz's tomb, the Muse, upright and in front, darkly dressed, indicates with one hand the name of the Master and the date 1803 (the birth of Berlioz). In the other hand, she holds a scroll on which one reads, "Harold, Roméo et Juliette, la Damnation de Faust, les Troyens, 1869" (the date of the death of Berlioz). On the left, stands a cypress at the foot of which sits Music. He is seen in profile, half-naked, his arms resting on his lyre, his left hand covering his eyes and crying; at his feet a trumpet. On the right, the principal figures of Berlioz's works: Marguerite raises a crown in both hands; Dido presents a palm; Juliet is going to spread flowers, but turns away towards her Romeo. At the top, an angel attaches a garland to the pediment of a tomb with inscribed banners. The banners read "Requiem" and "l'Enfance du Christ." At the bottom, on the right, a man holds a funeral wreath. Artist: Fantin-Latour, Henri, 1836-1904. Date: 1875. Sourced from Digital Commonwealth website.

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