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Hierosolyma urbs sancta, Iudeae, totiusque orientis longe clarisima, qua amplitudine ac magnificentia hoc nostro aeuo …

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Hierosolyma urbs sancta, Iudeae, totiusque orientis longe clarisima, qua amplitudine ac magnificentia hoc nostro aeuo conspicua est. Jerusalem, a sacred city to three of the worlds major religions, was depicted as four different images in Braun and Hogenberg's comprehensive collection of town views. In this view, the city is viewed from the east looking west, as if the artist was standing on the Mount of Olives, the best vantage point for viewing the city. Muslim control of the city is represented by the five figures in oriental costume in the foreground and the buildings with domes and minarets topped with crescents. This view records a Christian pilgrimage to the Holy City and, while unsigned, appears to be based on a drawing by Venetian artist Domenico dalle Greche, who accompanied a Czech nobleman, Voldrich Prefat z Vlkanova, on a pilgrimage to the Holy Land in 1546. The account of this journey was published in 1563. Of the four dozen locations identified in the legend of the view, the majority refer to Christian sites and traditions. Creator/Contributor: Braun, Georg, 1540 or 41-1622; Hogenberg, Frans, ca. 1539-1590? Date: ca. 1575. Sourced from Digital Commonwealth website.

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