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Democratic glory; Democratic consolations

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Democratic glory ; Democratic consolations. Two panels from a sequence of eight designs, arranged in two rows, titled "Democracy - or - a Sketch of the Life of Buonaparte." [Left] Democratic Glory. Buonaparte as Grand Consul of France receiving the adulations of Jacobin Sycophants & Parasites: He sits enthroned, wearing the dress and plumed hat of a Director. In his left hand is a sceptre on which is poised a figure of Fame. The high back of the throne is framed by two palm-trees, above it an eagle clutches a sheaf of thunderbolts and a terrestrial globe, indicating world domination. On his right kneel members of the Legislative Body. Opposite them (right) three men prostrate themselves, in grovelling servility. Beside them are men standing with bowed heads. At the back of the throne ranks of grenadiers stand at attention with fixed bayonets. A censer burns before Bonaparte. Sieyès peeps furtively from behind the throne, a finger to his nose. The satire shows knowledge of the new French Constitution (1799). Sieyès, however, was relegated to the conservative Senate, he and Ducos being the two first Senators. [Right] Democratic Consolations. Buonaparte on his Couch surrounded by the Ghosts of the Murder'd - the dangers which threaten his Usurpation, and all the Horrors of Final Retribution: He lies asleep on a truckle-bed whose head is a guillotine, through which looks a grinning demon, his hand on its cord. From under the bed Death with a spear looks up at Bonaparte, a hissing serpent beside him. Clouds and the flames of Hell, filled with minute demons, billow towards him from the left. From the clouds issue a hand holding out a pistol and a woman's hand with a cup of poison. In the background are close ranks of tiny ghosts. These include a bishop pierced by a dagger, a headless man holding his skull and wearing the order of St. Louis (? Louis XVI), a headless woman, a woman with an infant, a monk, a Turk (BM). Artist: Gillray, James, 1756-1815. Date: May 12, 1800. Sourced from Digital Commonwealth website.

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