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The fashionable mamma – or – the convenience of modern dress

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The fashionable mamma - or - the convenience of modern dress. A fashionably dressed woman sits (left) in profile to the right, on an upright chair, while a carriage waits for her. Her loose dress, high to the neck, has two embroidered slits to reveal the breasts. A pretty, buxom nurse holds out an infant, who eagerly sucks the breast thus conveniently laid bare. She wears a turban with two erect feathers, and short sleeves. Her gloved right hand holds a closed fan. On the wall behind her is a large picture, 'Maternal Love.' A seated woman suckles an infant. Through a high sash-window is seen a corner of the waiting coach, a footman holding open the door, a fat coachman on the box. The coach, hammer-cloth, and the lady's chair are decorated with a baron's coronet. A patterned carpet covers the floor (BM). / This is an ingenious adaptation of fashion to convenience. This lady, who is said to have been a viscountess, then one of the chief leaders of the "beau monde," contrives to do the duties of a mother, although, as the carriage outside shows, on the point of starting for a route (Wright/Evans). Artist: Gillray, James, 1756-1815. Date: February 13, 1796. Sourced from Digital Commonwealth website.

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