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"The friend of the people," & his petty new-tax-gatherer, paying John Bull a visit

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"The friend of the people," & his petty new-tax-gatherer, paying John Bull a visit. Fox and Lord Henry Petty stand at the door of a ramshackle tenement house. A distressed family look down at them from an open casement window over the door. Petty's hand is on the knocker. He holds a large open book and shouts. Behind his ear a pen. Fox puts both hands on a book. Between door and window is an inscribed board. The angry John, much disheveled, holds open the window to shout down and Fox answers. In Fox's coat pocket is a large money-bag. Behind John stands woman holding an infant in each arm and another child gnaws a bone. Two others, one with a skull-like head, look from the window. On the ground floor (l.) is a shuttered, placarded window. The window above it has been bricked up to escape the tax. A lean cat looks from the casement under the eaves. From the window above John Bull (a corner only visible) hang a ragged shirt and stockings. A lamp projecting from the house (a corner one) is broken. Against the wall beside the door (r.) is an inscribed pump at which are three ragged children: a little boy pumps, another kneels to put his mouth to the gushing water, while a little girl with a raw turnip eagerly waits her turn. On the left are barrels. Across the road (l.) is a pawnshop with the sign of the three balls. In the upper windows of the prosperous shop are piles of moneybags (BM). Artist: Gillray, James, 1756-1815. Date: May 28, 1806. Sourced from Digital Commonwealth website.

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