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Germans eating sour-krout

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Germans eating sour-krout. Five Germans seated at a round table, gormandize savagely on cabbage and sausages. Three are grossly fat and coarse-featured and plebeian; one of these (r.) has tucked the table-cloth round his neck. A lean military officer sits in back view plying spoon and fork with elbows raised. A lean dog laps from his plate, one paw on his knee the other on the table. Cocked hat and sword are on the ground beside him. A thin and elderly man of more polished appearance puts down his head to the mound of greenery on his plate, which he shovels up with spoon and fork. His knife lies on the table-cloth. His hat and gold-headed cane are under his stool. A fat cook enters (l.) carrying a large steaming dish piled high with sauerkraut and sausages. On the table are a bottle and fragments from over-full plates. On the wall are a map, an oval bust portrait with a gross profile resembling that given by Gillray to the Duke of Clarence, and a picture of a row of pigs whose heads emerge from sties to feed in a trough. On the floor are large tankards, a broken pipe, a pile of used plates which a cat is licking (BM). / A satire on German diet. From the inscriptions on the pot and platter, it appears that the scene is laid at Weyler's in Castle Street, a noted house at the time for German diet, and much frequented by Germans (Wright/Evans). Artist: Gillray, James, 1756-1815. Date: May 7, 1803. Sourced from Digital Commonwealth website.

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