Sandwich-carrots! Dainty sandwich-carrots.

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Sandwich-carrots! Dainty sandwich-carrots. A buxom girl pushes (left to right) her barrow of carrots along the pavement of Bond Street, looking over her right shoulder at Lord Sandwich ('Jemmy Twitcher'), who overtakes her and twitches her apron. He is in profile to the right, leering at her. Her elegant shoes and clocked stockings are inconsistent with her occupation. The background is a bookseller's shop at the corner of 'Little Maddox Street' (left) and 'New-Bond Street' (right), displaying the royal arms. Over the door, in Bond Street, is 'Faulder' and above the two windows, 'Bookseller & Book Binder.' Pamphlets or open books fill the panes of the windows. 'Rules of the Order of Sr Francis' is an allusion to Sir Francis Dashwood and the profligate order of Medmenham Abbey. The side of a third shop-window in Maddox Street appears on the extreme left (BM). Artist: Gillray, James, 1756-1815. Date: December 3, 1796. Sourced from Digital Commonwealth website.

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