Uncorking old sherry

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Uncorking old sherry. Pitt stands in the House of Commons, facing the opposition benches. He causes a tremendous explosion by uncorking a bottle containing the bloated and scowling face of Sheridan, whose hair swirls up into the neck of the bottle. He stands like a waiter with a napkin, marked with a crown and 'GR' under his left arm. The bottle is between his bent knees and in his right hand is a corkscrew, held directly over the bottle. Similar bottles, corked and labeled, stand on the opposition benches. In the foreground, facing Pitt, are bottles containing the heads of (l. to r.) Tierney, Fox, Windham, and (in profile to the left) Grey. All look up at Pitt with anxious melancholy. Rows of bottles recede in perspective on the back benches. Only three contain heads: a melancholy profile of Burdett, Erskine, and behind these two a partly concealed profile. Next to Burdett is a bottle of 'Whitbreads Small-Beer.' Another bottle is labeled 'Mum.' On the ground behind Pitt lies an open bottle of 'Medicinal Wine' spilling its contents and containing the head of Sidmouth (Addington) with closed eyes, suggesting death rather than sleep. Behind, on the extreme left, is part of the Speaker's chair, only a portion of wig being visible. The violent explosion spreads across the upper part of the design (BM). Artist: Gillray, James, 1756-1815. Date: March 10, 1805. Sourced from Digital Commonwealth website.

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