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Kitchin stuff

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Kitchin stuff. A fire is roaring up the kitchen grate, and a fat old cook, slumbering in an armchair drawn up to the kitchen table, has her feet resting on the chimneypiece, and a glass of 'cherry bounce ' held in her chubby hand, to refresh her after the exertions of the day. A younger and proportionately comely and comfortable-looking kitchen-maid is also stealing 'forty winks,' with her head resting against the chimneypiece ; while a fat black footman, who completes this evidently easy-going household, is indulging in the luxury of repose and pillowing his slumbering woolly pate on the ample shoulders of his shapely neighbour. Artist: Rowlandson, Thomas, 1756-1827. Date: November 1, 1810. Sourced from Digital Commonwealth website.

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