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Kitty Careless in quod

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Kitty Careless in quod. A dashing young lady of fashion, who has evidently been running ahead of the constable, is 'laid by the heels' in a spunginghouse ; the apartment in which she is lodged belongs, it appears from a printed notice on the wall, to MacNab, Sheriff's Officer for the County of Middlesex - genteel accommodation for ladies and gentlemen. Heavy locks and bolts to the door, and massive bars to the window, indicate the security of Kitty's keeping. The fair captive does not seem depressed by her confinement : seated before a glowing fire, her legs crossed in easy indifference, the prisoner is drinking bumpers of port wine with her captors. Artist: Rowlandson, Thomas, 1756-1827. Date: March 28, 1811. Sourced from Digital Commonwealth website.

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