After sweet meat comes sour sauce

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After sweet meat comes sour sauce. The Corporal has incautiously been paying a secret visit to a fine, plump and well favoured damsel, on whose affections, it would seem, the man of war has no legitimate claim. The lady is snugly disposing her lover in a strong-box, with iron clamps, probably the sea-chest of the lawful proprietor of the chamber. Before closing the lid on the captive swain the buxom maid, at whose waist hangs the key of the chest, is favouring the suitor with a parting kiss. An old 'salt,' his few remaining hairs bristling with indignation and resentment, is looking in at the window and surveying the entire transaction before making his entrance on the scene. That the Corporal has fairly got into the 'wrong box' is further hinted by a trap at his side, in which an unfortunate rat is securely imprisoned. Artist: Rowlandson, Thomas, 1756-1827. Date: November 30, 1810. Sourced from Digital Commonwealth website.

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