The times

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The times. The Old House is seemingly in a bad way ; the foundation is Public Credit ; the Funds, represented as a grilled gate, are secured with a huge padlock ; the Royal Crown and Sceptre are placed on a block, and marked for sale; seated on another block, labelled Protector, sits the Fox, guarding the Treasury; round his waist is a chain secured to the Coalition-pillar, which is depicted as rather a twisted support. Lord North has perched his unwieldy person upon a turnstile, and is crying, indifferent to consequences, 'Give me my ease, and do as you please.' The upper part of the Old House is raising more cause for mistrust, since the old building is overweighted and crushed with a mass of Taxes. Burke is officiating as exhibitor, and blowing through a trumpet. The sign of the Old House, Magna Charta, has fallen to tatters, and the board is dropping down. Artist: Rowlandson, Thomas, 1756-1827. Date: January 23, 1784. Sourced from Digital Commonwealth website.

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