Even Sir William Berkeley, the redoubtable cavalier governor, saw that he must yield
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Caption | Even Sir William Berkeley, the redoubtable cavalier governor, saw that he must yield. This picture represents Sir William Berkeley signing the Capitulation of the Province of Virginia in the presence of the three parliamentary commissioners appointed to make that demand upon him. The man in the buff coat is Captain Curtis of the Guinea, frigate. the other seated figure is intended to represent Richard Bennet, Esq., who succeeded Sir William in the gubernatorial chair ("A Catalogue of Drawings Illustrating the Life of Gen. Washington, and of colonial life," Howard Pyle, 1897). Artist: Pyle, Howard, 1853-1911. Date: ca. 1890–1897. Sourced from Digital Commonwealth website. |
Creator | see caption |
Artwork medium | 1 painting: oil on canvas; on stretcher 40 x 62 cm |
Credit | Boston Public Library |
Terms of use | No known copyright restrictions |
Search stock images by keyword | Even Sir William Berkeley redoubtable cavalier governor saw yield Pyle Howard 1853-1911 Governors Document signings Surrenders North and Central America United States Virginia Oil paintings |
Stock image ref | Size | Views |
YB0015969 | 6,900 x 4,450 pixels | 193 |
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