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Les Troyens à Carthage. Acte III. Duo d'amour.
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Caption | Les Troyens à Carthage. Acte III. Duo d'amour. Dido sits on a marble bench and her right arm rests on the top of the marble wall that serves as a backrest. With her left hand she holds a fan. Aeneas, seen from behind and on his knees, has one hand on his breast and looks at her tenderly. A curtain of dark greenery serves as background to the scene. Above the trees, a corner of the sky and the moon are seen. On the right, a round temple, surrounded by columns, emerges where the foliage separates. Artist: Fantin-Latour, Henri, 1836-1904. Date: 1889. Sourced from Digital Commonwealth website. |
Creator | see caption |
Artwork medium | nan |
Credit | Boston Public Library |
Terms of use | No known copyright restrictions |
Search stock images by keyword | Les Troyens Carthage Acte III Duo d'amour Fantin-Latour Henri 1836-1904 Composers Lithographs Book illustrations |
Stock image ref | Size | Views |
YB0011446 | 2,850 x 4,263 pixels | 11 |
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