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Dun-Shaw. Dundas as a colossus (a shah or bashaw of the Indies) straddles across the ocean, one foot on the roof of the India House (left), the other on a piece of land on the extreme right representing Bengal. In the sea below his outstretched legs are several ships in full sail making for Bengal. Dundas wears a turban and crown, a cloak and oriental tunic with a kilt, bare knees and tartan stockings. His turban is inscribed. His arms are extended above his head pointing to, and nearly grasping, a sun in the upper left corner of the design and to a crescent moon in the upper right corner. Both have faces which look down with dismayed surprise at Dundas, who looks towards the sun. Beneath the title is inscribed: '"One Foot in Leadenhall Street, & the other in the Province of Bengal." Vide Mr D-s Speech' (BM). Artist: Gillray, James, 1756-1815. Date: March 7, 1788. Sourced from Digital Commonwealth website.

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