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A morning ride

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A morning ride. The Prince of Wales and McMahon ride side by side (r. to left.) past Carlton House, followed by a groom. The Prince, stout and dignified, sits very upright on a high-stepping horse. McMahon's much smaller mount canters. He rides (on the Prince's l.) with leg thrust forward like Bunbury's examples of mounted vulgarians. Behind them runs a ragged little boy in top-hat and tattered tail-coat, apparently assuming the part of a running footman. A detailed representation of part of the screen and façade of Carlton House forms the background. Half of the gate appears on the extreme left and beside it is a sentry-boy with a sentry at attention (BM). Artist: Gillray, James, 1756-1815. Date: February 25, 1804. Sourced from Digital Commonwealth website.

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