Map of the Comstock Lode and the Washoe mining claims in Storey & Lyon counties, Nevada

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Map of the Comstock Lode and the Washoe mining claims in Storey & Lyon counties, Nevada. America Transformed: In 1859, major deposits of silver known as the Comstock Lode were discovered on the Nevada side of the Sierra Nevada Mountains. Mining spurred the rapid growth of Virginia City, which reached a population of 15,000 by 1863, prompting Nevada's statehood in 1864. This 1875 map delineates the boundaries of the many mineral claims while the cross sections indicate deep shafts to the silver deposits. Large debris piles at each mine's entrance left a distinctive scar on the landscape. Cartographer/Publisher: Parkinson, T. D.; G.T. Brown & Co. Lith. Date: 1875. Sourced from Digital Commonwealth website.

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