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Boston Braves Baseball Team of 1948

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Boston Braves Baseball Team of 1948. Front L. to R. -- Sibby Sisti, Clyde Shoun, Bob Keely, Fred Fitzsimmons, Billy Southworth, Johnny Cooney, Bob Elliott, Red Barrett, Bill Salkeld, Vern Bickford, Phill Masi, Jim Russell. Second L. to R. -- George Young, Frank McCormick, Ernie White, Connie Ryan, John Sain, Bill Hogue, Mike McCormick, Clint Conatser, Jeff Heath, John Antonelli, Warren Spahn, Nelson Potter. Third L. to R. -- Bob Sturgeon, Si Johnson, Earl Torgeson, Al Dark, Tommy Holmes, Bill Voiselle, John Beazley, Al Lyons. Bat Boys L. to R. -- Charlie Chronopoulos, Tom Ferguson, Frank McNulty. Date: ca. 1930–1945. Sourced from Digital Commonwealth website.

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