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Woodcut from Foxe's Book of Martyrs

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Woodcut from John Foxe's Actes and Monuments, depicting the 'actes and thinges done' in the reign of Edward VI. At the top of the page a depiction of how churches were cleared of 'popish trumpery' by burning images, while crosses, chalices, candlesticks, mass books and other discarded ceremonial objects are being transported to banishment in the the 'ship of the Romish Church' by Catholics fleeing into exile. In the lower portion of the woodcut the young king, seated in state before his lords spiritual and temporal, hands the holy book of the word to the divines on his right, as his father had before him. On the other side, in a masterpiece of compression, a reformed church is depicted, furnished for only the two sacraments of baptism and communion. First published in 1563.

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