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The Hudson River at West Point

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The Hudson River at West Point. The selection of West Point as the seat of an historic military training-school for the United States army is due, no doubt, to the fact that when Congress first established the post, early in the century, the Hudson river was closely identified with British military operations during the revolutionary war, the region being open to the British fleet and less impregnable than was the then forest-covered continent to her unlucky invading forces. Here, at any rate, in revolutionary times, was the site of Fort Putnam, and the scene of Benedict Arnold's traitorous design to hand over the stronghold to Major André of unhappy fame. Not only, however, do historic memories linger about the site. The region is also consecrate to literary fame, being scenically associated with the names and work of such writers as Washington Irving, Rodman Drake, N. P. Wills, Geo, P. Morris, and other American romancists, poets and littérateurs. Nature here, moreover, has decked the Hudson river in her most picturesque and matchless attire. The place is within an easy fifty mile sall of New York, and hardly could a more enjoyable one than this be taken by the lover of magnificent river scenery. The Hudson at West Point is commanded, both north and south, by the lofty promontory and cannon-bristling terraces of the fort, the view from which is one of almost unexampled beauty. Besides the Military Academy, Cadet Barracks, and Mess Hall of the School and Garrison, an interesting Museum of Ordnance is to be seen, together with a Chapel and Observatory, and an ornate and prettily decorated trophy garden, overlooking the gleaming stretches of the beautiful, historic river. Illustration for Our Kin Across the Sea (Greig, 1898).

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