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GPO Sidelights: Postal Order Sorting Machines

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Postal Order Sorting Machines. Unsorted postal orders are fed into these machines several thousand at a time. A pneumatic finger lifts each order and a robot thumb and finger flicks it out upon a moving band. The orders move forward until the holes punched in them correspond with insulated studs on the track, then a trap door opens and the order falls into a receptacle underneath. When all the 1,000, 2,000, etc. series are sorted together, the orders are passed through again in a different position to be sorted in the 10,000, 11,000, etc. series. Each machine can deal with 12,000 orders an hour. (See also Card No. 41). One of a set of 50 cigarette cards on the subject of Interesting Sidelights On The Work Of The GPO published by Lambert and Butler in 1939.  Lithographs based on photographs.

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