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London Characters: The "Cabby"

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The "Cabby." Drivers of "growlers" and "hansom cabs" are still to be seen, and may be recognized by their whole-hearted contempt for motors, their ready wit and preference for frequenting places associated with horses, such as Tattersall's, Barnet Fair and Regent's Park on Whit Monday. In his day the London "Cabby" was an authority upon many subjects, ready to discuss politics and suggest remedies for a variety of ailments, as to give a tip for the Derby. He disliked buses and the drivers thereof, and seemed to spend much of his leisure asleep in his cab, or restoring his circulation by vigorously slapping his shoulders. Illustration for one of a set of 25 cigarette cards on the subject of London Characters issued by Lambert & Butler in 1934.

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