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Past & Present: Mechanical Transport
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Caption | Mechanical Transport. Early Traction Engine. The first practicable horseless vehicles were constructed by Cugnot, a French military engineer, in 1763-9. His steam carriage, carrying four persons, travelled along the road at 2 1/4 mph. A similar machine was commissioned by the French Government for artillery transport in 1770. Modern "Caterpillar" Tractor. Among the most striking of recent developments in mechanical transport were the huge "caterpillar" tractors which rendered such important service in the Great War, 1914-18. The endless chains or bands of flanged and hinged strips of steel provided a firm grip over broken or boggy ground and up steep inclines. Illustration for one of a set of cigarette cards on the subject of Past & Present issued by Wills in 1929. |
Creator | English School (20th century) |
Artwork medium | colour lithograph |
Credit | Look and Learn |
Search stock images by keyword | Past Present progress technology technological science scientific advances old new Mechanical Transport Early Traction Engine practicable horseless vehicles constructed Cugnot French military engineer 1763-9 steam carriage carrying four persons travelled road roads 2 1/4 mph machine commissioned French Government artillery transport 1770 Modern Caterpillar Tractor striking developments huge rendered important service World War I Great War World War One First World War WW1 WWI World War 1 1914-18 endless chains bands flanged hinged strips steel firm grip broken boggy ground up steep inclines Past & Present |
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M708105 | Hi-res: 5,496 x 2,911 pixels Lo-res: 1,374 x 728 pixels |
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