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The Investiture of Edward the Black Prince as a Knight of the Garter, 1346

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The Investiture of Edward the Black Prince as a Knight of the Garter, 1346. Edward, Prince of Wales, 1330-1376, known as "The Black Prince" because of his black armour, was the eldest son of Edward III. On landing in Normandy in 1346 he was knighted by his father, and thus became one of the original Knights of the illustrious Order of the Garter. He afterwards took part in the victorious battle of Crecy, and in 1355 and 1356 undertook two expeditions to France, the second being signalised by the great victory of Poitiers. In 1367 he gained another triumph at Navarette, capturing Du Guesclin, Constable of France, one of his greatest opponents in battle. Illustration for Hutchinson's History of the Nations (Hutchinson, c 1920).

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