La lettiga aerea
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Caption | La lettiga aerea. L'autogiro – cioe una specie di aeroplano munito, al posto delle ali, di una grande elica che gli permette di salire e scendere verticalmente e perfino di fare marcia indietro – e stato adibito a Stoccolma al trasporto di malati gravi. Illustration for La Domenica Del Corriere, 4 April 1948. |
Creator | Walter Molino, Italian (1915–1997) |
Artwork medium | colour lithograph |
Permissions | Not available for licensing for copyright and/or trademark reasons. |
Search stock images by keyword | Stockholm Sweden Swedish Swede Swedes helicopter helicopters gyrocopter gyrocopters flight flying rescue rescued rescuing hospital hospitals doctor doctors medical medicine medicines stretcher stretchers wounded wound injured injury ill illness sick sickness emergency emergencies transport transporting lettiga aerea Walter Molino |
Stock image ref | Sizes available | Views |
M526224 | Hi-res: 6,546 x 8,370 pixels Lo-res: 884 x 1,131 pixels |
43 |
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