Eating spaghetti
Posted in Absurd on Thursday, 31 May 2007
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Posted in Absurd on Thursday, 31 May 2007
Posted in Bible on Thursday, 31 May 2007
Posted in Adventure, Dogs on Thursday, 31 May 2007
Wendy was just twelve months old when the R.S.P.C.A. found her a good home with the Bolding family of Weymouth, Dorset. She was a friendly little dog, but extremely nervous. Nine-year-old Nigel Bolding took her for walks, so that she would get to know her new surroundings and become used to the busy roads and traffic.
One day, in February 1966, Nigel and Wendy were exploring the heathland at Bowleaze Cove when Nigel slipped down a steep bank and fell into a quagmire at the bottom. Wendy was panic-stricken and barked with fear as the treacherous mud slowly sucked poor Nigel down. Soon only his head and shoulders could be seen …
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Posted in Puzzle on Wednesday, 30 May 2007
Posted in Animals, Dogs on Tuesday, 29 May 2007
Greyfriars Bobby was a Skye terrier. His coat was slate-grey and silver and he had the hardiness acquired by those of his breed who, like himself, were born on the heather-clad Scottish hills.
Bobby had devotedly attached himself to Auld Jock, a shepherd, a man about whom nothing was known, except his fondness for Bobby. The two of them came into Edinburgh one market day in the year 1858, and never returned to the hills, for Auld Jock fell ill and died in the city. Such was Bobby’s devotion to the old man that he refused to leave him even after the funeral. For the next fourteen years Bobby slept on Auld Jock’s grave almost every night, and nothing could persuade him to leave. His lonely vigil became known throughout Scotland, and even Queen Victoria, when at Balmoral, asked for news of the brave little Skye terrier. He was made a Freeman of the City of Edinburgh and was given a collar with a small metal plate inscribed: Greyfriars Bobby. From the Lord Provost, 1867. Licensed.
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Posted in Bible on Monday, 28 May 2007
Posted in Britain in the 60s on Sunday, 27 May 2007
Posted in Absurd on Sunday, 27 May 2007
Posted in Absurd on Saturday, 26 May 2007